
These Paintings Lead You into an Infinite Abyss of Vibrant Color and Meticulous Texture

Colorful abstract art by Yellena James

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Artist and illus­tra­tor Yel­lena James cre­ates col­or­ful abstract paint­ings of places unknown but that feels odd­ly famil­iar. Her metic­u­lous­ly detailed forms resem­ble fields of flow­ers and under­wa­ter scenes, yet they refrain from being ground­ed. Instead, each work is an infi­nite abyss of vibrant hues and tex­ture that exists in an in-between space.

This idea, that we’re nei­ther here nor there, is at the crux of Yel­lena’s lat­est works. “I attempt to cre­ate an ethe­re­al place which is hyp­not­i­cal­ly famil­iar and yet haunt­ing­ly exot­ic, adding tiny lit­tle details in a sort of com­pul­sive med­i­ta­tion, until a per­fect bal­ance is cre­at­ed,” she writes. “The intri­ca­cy and high detail, along with hints of exist­ing organ­ic shapes lend to the inti­ma­cy and believ­abil­i­ty of each new world.”

Yel­lena sells her work through her Etsy shop. If you’d like to learn to draw from her, check out her book: Star, Branch, Spi­ral, Fan: Learn to Draw from Nature’s Per­fect Design Struc­tures. It’s now avail­able on Ama­zon. And don’t for­get to fol­low her on Insta­gram!

Artist Yellena James creates colorful abstract paintings of imaginary landscapes. Go on a new journey every time you look at one of them.

Colorful abstract paintings by Yellena James

Colorful abstract paintings by Yellena James

Colorful abstract art by Yellena James

Colorful abstract paintings by Yellena James

Colorful abstract paintings by Yellena James

Colorful abstract art by Yellena James

Colorful abstract art by Yellena James

Colorful abstract paintings by Yellena James

Colorful abstract landscapes by Yellena James

Colorful abstract landscapes by Yellena James

Colorful abstract landscapes by Yellena James

Colorful abstract art by Yellena James

Colorful abstract landscapes by Yellena James

Colorful abstract landscapes by Yellena James

Colorful abstract landscapes by Yellena James

Colorful abstract landscapes by Yellena James

Colorful abstract landscapes by Yellena James

Colorful abstract landscapes by Yellena James