
Wonkyvision: A Delightful Look into the Strange World of Kyle Pellet

kyle pellet

Artists, illus­tra­tors, and mak­ers: do you keep a lot of your work from years past? Per­son­al­ly, I’m bad at that. I have the itch to clean and dis­card, which means I’m often get­ting rid of work that’s on my com­put­er but is tak­ing up too much space in my apart­ment. That’s why, when artist Kyle Pel­let con­tact­ed me about his new pub­li­ca­tion, Wonkyvi­sion, I was intrigued. It’s a col­lec­tion of his draw­ings from 2010 to now.

Pub­lished by Val­ley Cruise Press, this 32-page zine show­cas­es Kyle’s sense of humor and his wacky char­ac­ters through­out the years. They pep­per the pages, bring­ing an absur­dest joy to the entire thing. Check out some of the spreads below. I love how he manip­u­lates pho­tos, paint­ings, and oth­er draw­ings. They all look like they’re in Kyle’s “world,” but occu­py dif­fer­ent parts of it.

Inside-Cover-Front kyle pellet KP 5 KP 10 KP 6 KP 18 Pg04 pg16 pg19 KP 16 KP 2

Kyle was kind enough to share pic­tures of his stu­dio with me, too! He’s based in San Jose, Cal­i­for­nia, and I can see how this space inspires his work. I want that box of stamps.

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