Embroidery Patterns

Learn How To Embroider Wild Animal Patches With New DIY Craft Kits

Sloth patch, red panda patch, sea lion patch, and an axolotl patch on a denim shirt

Learn to embroi­der wild ani­mals! I’m excit­ed to announce that I’ve cre­at­ed DIY embroi­dery kits for you to Make Your Own Menagerie. An axolotl, red pan­da, and sloth kit are now avail­able in my shop, Bear&Bean. With my all-inclu­sive kits, you can cre­ate a stick-on patch to attach to your favorite jack­et, tote bag, or any oth­er fab­ric surface.

Embroider an axolotl, a red panda, or a sloth in DIY craft kits. A sea lion is coming soon!

Stitching a red panda patch

What do you need to know?

You can com­plete the Make Your Own Menagerie kits with­out being an expert stitch­er. Fol­low the steps out­lined in the accom­pa­ny­ing instruc­tion book­let and con­sult the resources page for help with stitch­ing and more tips and tricks.

All of the kits use basic stitch­es: satin stitch, long-and-short stitch, and split stitch. The couch­ing stitch is used as the whiskers on the red pan­da kit. I’ve demon­strat­ed the stitch­es on my Make Your Own Menagerie resources page.

Wild animal patches

What’s included in the kit?

The kit has every­thing you need to com­plete it. Just grab a pair of your favorite sharp scis­sors! There is a 24-page instruc­tion book­let, embroi­dery hoop, two pieces of felt, a thread card loaded with all the DMC embroi­dery floss you’ll need, a nee­dle, a stick-on wash-away pat­tern, adhe­sive back­ing, and a draw­string bag to hold it all.

Need some extra help when you’re work­ing the kit? Don’t worry—I’ve got you! I’m hap­py to help over email.

Axolotl patch components

Sloth patch