
Venture Into the Woods Through the Fantastical Illustrations of Vivian Mineker

Forest drawing by Vivian Mineker

Have you ever been hik­ing in a for­est? When you’re alone and sur­round­ed by tall trees, it makes you feel like you’re in a fairy tale. Illus­tra­tor Vivian Minek­er cap­tures this feel­ing in her water­col­or and col­ored pen­cil pieces. Fea­tur­ing tow­er­ing tim­ber and even some spook­i­ness, her char­ac­ters set off for adventure—often with an ani­mal pal in tow.

Ever since I could remem­ber I’d been draw­ing to express myself and my inner imag­i­nary world,” Vivian explains, “which con­tin­ues into my work today where I cre­ate char­ac­ters and worlds that reflect my imag­i­na­tions, inspired by obser­va­tions of the real world around me.” See more of her for­est draw­ing, below.

Vivian sells her work as prints in her online shop.

Illustrator Vivian Mineker imagines the spookiness that happens among the beauty of being into the woods.

Forest drawing by Vivian Mineker

Illustration by Vivian Mineker

Illustration by Vivian Mineker

Illustration by Vivian Mineker

Illustration by Vivian Mineker

Illustration by Vivian Mineker

Illustration by Vivian Mineker

Illustration by Vivian Mineker

Illustrations by Vivian Mineker

Illustrations by Vivian Mineker

Illustrations by Vivian Mineker