
Charming Ceramic Figurines are a Contemporary Riff on Iconic Collectibles

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

One of the most icon­ic form of ceram­ics is known as “fan­ci­ful” Stafford­shire fig­urines. Orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed in the Vic­to­ri­an era, these pieces were paint­ed by unskilled work­ers and have a folk art-like feel. Because of their hum­ble nature, they were geared towards the mid­dle class. “You nev­er would have found one of these in the home of roy­al­ty,” antique deal­er David Lack­ey said. Nowa­days, they’re high­ly collectible—and not to men­tion an influ­ence for con­tem­po­rary ceram­ic artists.

Vicky Lin­do is the cre­ative part­ner­ship of Vicky Lin­do and Bill Brookes. Togeth­er, they cre­ate work that’s inspired by ceram­ics made dur­ing the 18th, 19th, and ear­ly 20th century—like Stafford­shire cats and dogs. They adorn the fig­ures with bold illus­tra­tions that wrap around their bod­ies. The result pro­duces some amus­ing and unfor­get­table char­ac­ters out of these very rec­og­niz­able forms. To see what Vicky and Bill are up to now, fol­low them on Insta­gram.

Inspired by ceramics of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th century, Vicky Lindo and Bill Brookes create charming, boldly illustrated Staffordshire cats and dogs.

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Dogs

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Dogs

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire CatsVicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo ceramics

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Dogs

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats

Vicky Lindo Staffordshire Cats