
Vanesa Zendejas


Vane­sa Zen­de­jas is an artist liv­ing and work­ing in Chica­go. She works on paper and with objects to cre­ate sculp­tures, and has an upcom­ing show with Katy Keefe (who I have writ­ten about pre­vi­ous­ly). The show is titled Liv­ing With Them, and is Roots & Cul­ture Con­tem­po­rary Art Cen­ter from April 1st through April 29th. The idea behind her work is look­ing at how the past still res­onates with mod­ern culture: 

Look­ing to the objects that sur­round us, the work of Vane­sa Zen­de­jas deals with the recon­struct­ed mod­ernism we live with and that which is present in our com­mon knowl­edge of art his­to­ry. Sculp­tures and works on paper res­onate between clas­si­cal abstract forms and famil­iar fur­ni­ture, arrange­ments and tex­tures. The work also looks to the more obscure Amer­i­can geo­met­ric abstrac­tion­ists and their direct influ­ences, always keep­ing in mind our mod­ernist lin­eage and how that effects us. 

All images via her web­site.



