
Ulla Saar’s Emotionally Raw Graphite Drawings

My defences become fences

Ulla Saar’s graphite works use a lot of expres­sive shad­ing and con­vey the feel­ing of a sketch. Their com­bi­na­tion of lack of back­ground with writ­ten words make these draw­ings seem very per­son­al, and that’s par­tial­ly why I like them so much. 

Her images include lit­tle sen­tences like, “Hell is around the cor­ner” and “It’s not enough and it nev­er was” on what looks like scrap paper. It’s real­ly raw and makes me feel the type of sad­ness I’d feel lis­ten­ing to my favorite melan­choly song. 

All images via her Flickr.



Ulla Saar

hell is around the corner

you put the moves in me

i'm so gonna turn you on


