Ceramics / Illustrated products

Obsess Over This Illustrated Ceramic Shop: Uhaala


Sonia Puli­do

Ya’ll know I love illus­trat­ed ceram­ics, and I’m always delight­ed when I find new pieces to obsess over. Enter Uhaala—a shop that sells awe­some art­work hand­made in Barcelona. They’re craft­ed by Sonia Puli­do and Susana Reque­na, and each per­son has their own style that dec­o­rates mugs, plates, and trays.

Soni­a’s work fea­tures small, intri­cate line draw­ings of flow­ers, fig­ures, and repeat pat­terns. Susana’s pieces have more care­free flu­id­i­ty, and her thick brush strokes are used as abstract col­or­ing for lady­bugs and petals.

Pur­chase Uhaala prod­ucts through their online shop.


Sonia Puli­do


Sonia Puli­do

Sonia Pulido

Sonia Puli­do

Sonia Pulido

Sonia Puli­do

Sonia Pulido

Sonia Puli­do

Sonia Pulido

Sonia Puli­do

Sonia Pulido

Sonia Puli­do

Sonia Pulido

Sonia Puli­do

Sonia Pulido

Sonia Puli­do

Susana Requena

Susana Reque­na

Susana Requena

Susana Reque­na

I love the illus­tra­tion on this tote bag, too!

Sonia Pulido

Sonia Puli­do

Sonia Pulido

Sonia Puli­do