Artist / Photography

Trey Wright


Trey Wright is an artist work­ing out of Dal­las, Texas. He’s a pho­tog­ra­ph­er who cre­ates sur­re­al scenes from cut paper (like col­lage), tan­gi­ble objects (like a wig), and humans (who appear like giants).

Essen­tial­ly, Trey is pho­tograph­ing assem­blages. I find them most inter­est­ing when he uses mag­a­zine cut outs. They are pho­tographs of pho­tographs, and since they are pho­tographs, they strad­dle the line between object and a pic­ture of an object. At times, it’s hard to tell what is cut out and what’s not.

Excel­lent col­or usage, too. It ref­er­ences a mid cen­tu­ry aes­thet­ic, which I always enjoy, with its off-beat col­or pair­ings and all.

First four images via his web­site. Final images via his Tum­blr (which is updat­ed often).




