
Flying With Your Embroidery? Make Sure You Carry On These 4 Essential Supplies

Embroidery storage box and thread

Embroi­dery is one of those activ­i­ties that, thank­ful­ly, you can take it any­where. No mat­ter how long of a trip I’m on, my embroi­dery trav­els with me. If you’re fly­ing, how­ev­er, there are spe­cial con­sid­er­a­tions you’ll want to take with your stitch­ing in tow.

After some trial and error, here’s what I learned to take with me when I’m on a plane so that I can enjoy my stitching as I fly.

Traveling with embroidery including a storage box to go in backpack

Small thread storage box

When I first start­ed trav­el­ing with my cus­tom pet por­trait embroi­dery, I would place all of my thread­ed plas­tic bob­bins onto met­al rings and bring them with me. They would, the­o­ret­i­cal­ly, include all of the col­ors I’d need. I found this didn’t work for me. I think I’m a bit too messy to keep the rings of floss tidy. Plus, it’s often that I don’t know exact­ly what col­ors I need for a trip—especially if I’m going to be gone for a while or am prone to chang­ing my mind about the thread.

A small thread stor­age box (you can eas­i­ly find them online or at your local craft store) allows me to orga­nize my thread and keep the oth­er sup­plies in one place. It should fit in most stan­dard-sized back­packs. (I’m a fan of the Lo & Sons back­pack.)


Embroidery tools for the plane

Thread snips

I have a pair of embroi­dery scis­sors that I absolute­ly love to use while I’m at home. But they are bor­der­line too big for the TSA, so I’m not going to risk tak­ing them on a plane. My go-to trav­el scis­sors are thread snips. They aren’t the fan­ci­est scis­sors, but they have short blades that are less like­ly to get flagged by air­port secu­ri­ty. Plus, you can often find them sold as a pack, which lessens the blow if they do get tak­en from you or you lose them.

Thread gloss

Trav­el­ing over the pan­dem­ic has meant mask­ing up on a plane. I’m one of those peo­ple who puts their floss in their mouth in order to thread the nee­dle. But, being masked on a plane meant that it wasn’t a viable option. Thread gloss is a wax and essen­tial oil blend that basi­cal­ly tames your floss. In this case, it’s help­ful to use it to refine the edge of your thread and makes it pos­si­ble to thread a nee­dle with­out hav­ing to take your mask off.


Nail clippers

Nail clip­pers are a replace­ment for thread snips. I learned this first­hand a few years ago when fly­ing back to the U.S. from Tokyo. As my bag was going through secu­ri­ty, it was flagged because of the scis­sors; they had to be thrown out. I was dev­as­tat­ed! It was a long flight from Tokyo to Seat­tle, and embroi­der­ing was the only thing I had to do. I went into the near­est shop to try and find some sort of scis­sors I could use, and I land­ed on a set of nail clip­pers. Luck­i­ly, they worked. Nail clip­pers are not my first choice when fly­ing, but I always bring along a pair on the off chance my thread snips get tossed.


Multiples of all my tools

I can­not tell you how many times I’ve lost stuff on planes. It is amaz­ing how things just slip out of my hands and into the infi­nite abyss of the plane. Over the years, I’ve learned to bring at least two of every­thing. A cou­ple of thread snips, three or four nee­dles, a cou­ple of dif­fer­ent scents of thread gloss. It’s bet­ter to be safe than sorry—especially when you’re traveling!


Needle Taped to the Storage Box


I’m excit­ed to be one of Google’s paid ear­ly testers for their Thank with Google pilot pro­gram. Thank with Google is an exper­i­men­tal fea­ture that allows you to pur­chase a vir­tu­al stick­er and direct­ly show your appre­ci­a­tion for con­tent on my web­site. As a loy­al sup­port­er, you can now feel more con­nect­ed and engaged because you have the abil­i­ty to express your­self and share what my work means to you.

There are a vari­ety of stick­ers to select from and every time you send a paid stick­er, you can add a per­son­al mes­sage which I enjoy receiv­ing. For me, these vir­tu­al stick­ers trans­late into direct rev­enue to sup­port the work that goes into the con­tent that you are enjoy­ing on my blog.

You can find the Thank with Google fea­ture in mul­ti­ple places on my site, includ­ing as a but­ton at the top and bot­tom of this and all blog posts. If you try it out, let me know what you think! Thanks as always for your support.