
Artist Creates Exquisite “Trash Embroidery” Completely Composed of Discarded Objects

Embroidery made from trash by William KW

There’s the old adage that “one per­son­’s trash is anoth­er per­son­’s trea­sure,” and that could­n’t be truer in the case of William KW. The Swedish artist uses found, thrift­ed, and recy­cled mate­ri­als as the basis for his abstract art­work that high­lights the beau­ty to be found in discard.

William arranges old zip­pers, wires, and even belt buck­les into col­or­ful for­ma­tions high­light­ing each fea­tured object. You might not know what an indi­vid­ual ele­ment is (and some­times William does­n’t, either), but it’s still a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to study (and admire) it.

Fol­low William on Insta­gram to see what’s work­ing on next. (h/t Melis­sa)

William KW creates what he calls “trash embroidery,” in which he arranges found, thrifted, and recycled materials as the basis for his abstract artwork.

Embroidery made from trash by William KW

Embroidery made from trash by William KW

His work highlights the hidden beauty of what’s to be found in the things we discard.

Embroidery made from trash by William KW

Embroidery made from trash by William KW

William arranges old zippers, wires, and even belt buckles into colorful formations highlighting each featured object.

Embroidery made from trash by William KW

Embroidery made from trash by William KW

You might not know what an individual element is, but it’s still a great opportunity to study (and admire) it.

Embroidery made from trash by William KW

Embroidery made from trash by William KW

Embroidery made from trash by William KW

Embroidery made from trash by William KW