
Tran Nguyen’s Larger Than Life Dreamers

Tran Nguyen - Painting

Tran Nguyen is a painter liv­ing in Geor­gia. Her work often fea­tures a larg­er-than-life female fig­ure, exud­ing a wist­ful or dis­in­ter­est­ed look. The ges­ture of the body and expres­sion on these char­ac­ters’ faces reminds me of the women in a Balthus paint­ing. Their gaze, which seems to dis­con­nect­ed to their sur­round­ings, gives us the feel­ing that they are dream­ing or in a trance. And, this is exact­ly what the artist wants. Tran writes that she is fas­ci­nat­ed with cre­at­ing visu­als that can be used explore the mind’s dream­scape, in terms of ther­a­peu­tic sup­port. Think dream inter­pre­ta­tion and psychoanalysis.

All images via her web­site. Check out her blog for some great in-progress shots. H/T Colos­sal.

Tran Nguyen - Painting Tran Nguyen - Painting Tran Nguyen - Painting Tran Nguyen - Painting Tran Nguyen - Painting Tran Nguyen - Painting