Embroidery / Illustration

Book Lovers: A Sneak Peek into Touchka’s Newest Illustrated Scarf!

For the past sev­er­al months (prob­a­bly more), I have lust­ed after illus­trat­ed silk scarves. I love how they tell sto­ries that are con­tained on a sin­gle pan­el. Plus, they have an obvi­ous prac­ti­cal use as a beau­ti­ful fash­ion acces­so­ry. Touch­ka designed these dreamy pieces that fea­ture bright col­ors and gor­geous, small details.

Touch­ka is a col­lab­o­ra­tion between Jen­ny Lumel­sky and Tomer Ronen. It was born out a love for sto­ry telling, and ini­tial­ly, they want­ed to find a way to make illus­tra­tion use­ful for every­day life. “We want­ed to com­bine it with quotes and fairy tale ref­er­ences,” they write. “So, we thought the best fit would be an acces­so­ry item: a scarf, which allows you to add a ‘say’ to your outfit.”

All of their cre­ations have some tie to lit­er­a­ture. Designs are based on the fol­low­ing books: The Hap­py Prince by Oscar Wilde, Peter Pan by J.M. Bar­rie; The Jun­gle Book by Rud­yard Kipling; The Lit­tle Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry; and Alice’s Adven­tures in Won­der­land and Through the Look­ing Glass by Lewis Car­roll. They’re cur­rent­ly avail­able for pur­chase through their shop.

Jen­ny and Tomer were kind enough to share a sneak peek of a new scarf (No. 6) they’re work­ing on. It’s inspired by The Secret Gar­den by Frances Hodg­son Bur­nett: “If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a gar­den.” Check it out, as well as a peek into their gor­geous stu­dio below!

Scarves No. 1 — 5:

The Jungle Book

The Jun­gle Book

The Happy Prince

The Hap­py Prince

Peter Pan

Peter Pan

Alice’s Adven­tures in Won­der­land

Alice’s Adven­tures in Wonderland

Alice’s Adven­tures in Won­der­land

Alice’s Adven­tures in Wonderland

The Little Prince

The Lit­tle Prince

The Little Prince

The Lit­tle Prince

A peek into Touchka’s studio:






Here’s scarf no. 6 in progress!

