Design / Illustration

Tomi Vollauschek of Fl@33 » Lecture at MICA tonight!


My grad­u­ate pro­gram, MICA’s MFA Illus­tra­tion Prac­tice, has some super amaz­ing illus­tra­tors vis­it. They cri­tique our work, run work­shops, and give lec­tures. The first year stu­dents have been work­ing with Tomi Vol­lauschek, who is one half of FL@33, a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary design stu­dio run out of London.

Togeth­er with his part­ner Agathe Jacquil­lat, they work on a vari­ety of projects. And when I say vari­ety, I mean vari­ety. They pub­lish books, devel­op iden­ti­ties, illus­trate, design cloth­ing, and more. It’s real­ly inspir­ing to see this type of range. When so many are focused on a spe­cif­ic style, I like to see those that aren’t — ones that uti­lize prob­lem solv­ing as the main medi­um in which they work.

If you like Tomi’s work and are local to Bal­ti­more, why not come to his lec­ture tonight at MICA?  He’ll be speak­ing at 7PM in Fav­ley Hall in the Brown Cen­ter (the pointy glass building).

All images via Fl@33.

The 3D Type Book by FL@33 from Tomi Vol­lauschek on Vimeo.

3D let­ters includ­ed in the book (cre­at­ed by, com­plied, designed, and writ­ten by Fl@33):



Cre­ative Review cov­er design:


Book designed by Fl@33, cov­er as well. Pat­terns below done by dif­fer­ent illus­tra­tors.



Cus­tom rub­ber floor design:





Friends of the Earth cam­paignflat6

Again, check out their web­site. There is so much more to look at!