
Blossoming Ceramic Vases That Outshine the Flowers That They Hold

Ceramic vases by Togetherness

Few things are pret­ti­er than a vase of fresh-cut blooms… unless those flow­ers are in a hand­craft­ed ceram­ic vase! Esther San­dler of Togeth­er­ness has craft­ed a series of vas­es that are them­selves adorned with beau­ti­ful blos­soms. It’s a flower overload—in the best way pos­si­ble. In addi­tion to vas­es, Esther has also fash­ioned mugs, tum­blers, and can­is­ters that fea­ture the same aes­thet­ic. She describes it as “an obses­sion with bold col­or, naïve linework, and pat­tern, pat­tern and more pat­tern.” The result feels cool and cur­rent yet nos­tal­gic and a bit homey.

The ceram­ic clay ves­sels are now avail­able in the Togeth­er­ness online shop. Fol­low Esther on Insta­gram to see what she’s work­ing on next.

Ceramic vases by Togetherness

Ceramic vases by Togetherness

Ceramic vases by Togetherness

Ceramic vase by Togetherness

Ceramic mug by Togetherness

Ceramic plate by Togetherness

Ceramic plate by Togetherness

Ceramic plate by Togetherness

Ceramic plate by Togetherness

Ceramic clay vessel by Togetherness

Ceramic tumblr by Togetherness

Ceramic plate by Togetherness

Ceramic plate by Togetherness

Ceramic vases by Togetherness

Ceramics by Togetherness

Ceramics by Togetherness

Ceramic clay vases by Togetherness

Ceramic clay vases by Togetherness