Time Travel Tuesday

Time Travel Tuesday » Henry Darger


I asked my pal Lisa who should be my focus of Time Trav­el Tues­day today, and she men­tioned that she loves the work of Hen­ry Darg­er. Hen­ry Darg­er! Perfect!

He’s an Amer­i­can folk artist who worked as a cus­to­di­an in Chica­go, Illi­nois. Darg­er became famous after his death, when a 15,145-page, sin­gle-spaced fan­ta­sy man­u­script called The Sto­ry of the Vivian Girls, in What is known as the Realms of the Unre­al, of the Glan­de­co-Angelin­ian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebel­lion, along with sev­er­al hun­dred draw­ings and water­col­or paint­ings illus­trat­ing the sto­ry were discovered.

In the Realms of the Unre­al (short­ened title) is the sto­ry of the 7 daugh­ters of Robert Vivian who are aid in a rebel­lion in the nation of Abbiean­nia, work­ing against the  evil regime of child slav­ery imposed by John Man­ley and the Glan­delini­ans. Chil­dren go to war, fight­ing, and are often killed in bat­tle or cap­tured and tortured.

Above and below, some images from Darg­er’s opus. All images via the Amer­i­can Folk Art Muse­um web­site.
