
Hand Embroidered Jeans Fuse Contemporary Fashion With a Funky Retro Vibe

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroi­dered cloth­ing will nev­er go out of style. Like embroi­dery itself, this approach is mal­leable and trans­forms based on the aes­thet­ic of the time. Now, peo­ple are wear­ing their clothes with a 1970s vibe, so ripped jeans with a hint of flair are back in vogue. The brand  Thou­sand Island plays to this trend with their hand embroi­dery embell­ish­ing the bot­tom of vin­tage levis 501 jeans and den­im tops. Their designs fea­ture bold shapes that have a Mid-Cen­tu­ry mod­ern vibe; togeth­er, they form state­ment-mak­ing fash­ion that’s con­tem­po­rary while being root­ed in the past.

Thou­sand Island sells their embroi­dered den­im jeans and tops in their Tic­tail shop.

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island

Embroidered denim jeans by Thousand Island