The Stitch

No Experience Necessary: 19 Embroidery, Quilting, and Clothing Patterns Geared Towards Beginners

Beginner Embroidery Pattern Lark Rising

Lark Ris­ing Stu­dio
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Last year, I launched a week­ly newslet­ter called The Stitch. It’s an embroi­dery and fiber art-focused email—delivered on Fridays—that shares inspir­ing art­work and ways that you can get crafty your­self (think dig­i­tal pat­terns, DIYs, etc.). Unfor­tu­nate­ly, The Stitch was some­thing that was put on the back burn­er at the end of 2021. But! It is tru­ly one of my favorite things I did last year, and I’m excit­ed to start it up again.

You can sub­scribe to The Stitch here. You’ll even get a free embroi­dery pat­tern when you do! For a taste of what an issue is like, here are some links shared from one of my most pop­u­lar issues last year. Some­times, the con­tent revolves around a theme, and this one was geared towards beginners—it focused on begin­ner-lev­el pat­terns for hoop art, quilts, and clothing.

There’s no experience necessary when you try these embroidery, quilting, and clothing patterns.


Embroi­dery Samplers

Sam­plers are a great way to prac­tice new stitch­es. Even if you’re think­ing, “Yeah, but I know some stitch­es!” there are lit­er­al­ly hun­dreds of them so I think we could all ben­e­fit from sam­plers. I know I could!


Begin­ner Embroi­dery Projects

  • Inspired by a love of the out­doors, this moun­tain land­scape kit comes with every­thing you need to cre­ate its abstract design.
  • Want to try stitch­ing with yarn? Here’s an all-inclu­sive kit that com­bines hand-dyed fab­ric and yarn (as well as floss) into a swirl.
  • From the same mak­er who brought you the sweater sam­pler, this adorable sloth kit will help you to put some of your stitch­ing into action.
  • Per­fect one of the most basic stitch­es, the satin stitch, with this col­or­ful mar­ble pat­tern. There are five col­or guides to choose from.
  • Go on an embroi­dery marathon with this four-pack of begin­ner-friend­ly pat­terns. Each uti­lizes dif­fer­ent types of stitch­es so you’ll get a lot of practice.
  • Fierce and ten­der: com­bine cross stitch with free-hand embroi­dery in this easy-to-under­stand pattern.


Begin­ner Quilt Patterns


Begin­ner Cloth­ing Patterns

  • Get cozy when you sew a lounge set.
  • Fact: I bought this sewing top pat­tern, intend­ing to sew it up when it was still sum­mer. But alas, I think I’ll need to make the long sleeve version.
  • What a super cute dress! This pat­tern is intend­ed for an “advanced begin­ner” as you sew bust darts, inset sleeves, and more.
  • Who does­n’t love a great sweat­shirt? The Jar­rah sweater is meant for begin­ners and has options.

Subscribe to The Stitch to get embroidered goodness in your inbox on Fridays. (Plus a free embroidery pattern!)

Stitching Patterns Perfect for Beginners