
Find a Comforting Glow in These Cardboard Homes

vera van wolferen

Vera van Wolfer­en calls her­self a “card­board­craftswoman,” because she cre­ates intri­cate and metic­u­lous­ly-con­struct­ed scenes out of card­board. They’re incred­i­ble! Using the white/gray vari­ety, she adds a few oth­er mate­ri­als that result in dream-like scenes. I love how the shut­ters, weath­er vanes, and wind­mills are all artic­u­lat­ed, as if they’re placed one by one. You can tell that Vera puts a lot of care into her work.

Much of Ver­a’s card­board sets are made for stop-motion ani­ma­tions. In addi­tion, she cre­ates lamps, which are per­fect for her hous­es. They fit over the top of light bulbs and cast a com­fort­ing glow from the win­dows. Find a few of them on Etsy.

Vera seems like she’s on all the social media — fol­low her on Insta­gram, Behance, and Face­book! (Via iGNANT)


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