
This Embroidery Artist Will Stitch One-Of-A-Kind Portraits of You and Yours

Embroidered portraits by Teresa Lim

Paint­ing is the con­ven­tion­al way to immor­tal­ize some­one’s like­ness through art—but that does­n’t mean it’s the most com­pelling. Tere­sa Lim, aka @teeteeheehee, stitch­es embroi­dered por­traits in a dis­tinc­tive style that’s a col­li­sion of col­or, tex­ture, and the black­work tech­nique. These com­mis­sioned pieces often involve two to four peo­ple (but some­times just one per­son!) whose fea­tures are out­lined in dark thread; they remain the col­or of the fab­ric. Sur­round­ing them, how­ev­er, is a visu­al explo­sion of repeat pat­terns, knot­ted stitch­es, yarn, and more. The com­bi­na­tion is a quirky way to pay homage to the love between two peo­ple or a family.

Tere­sa is cur­rent­ly tak­ing com­mis­sions for her hand embroi­dery; sim­ply fill out this form on her web­site.

Embroidered portraits by Teresa Lim

Embroidered portraits by Teresa Lim

Embroidered portraits by Teresa Lim

Embroidered portraits by Teresa Lim

Embroidered portraits by Teresa Lim

Embroidered portraits by Teresa Lim

Embroidered portraits by Teresa Lim