
Teagan White’s Magnificent Plumage


I’m back from a much need­ed vaca­tion and will be here in full force tomor­row. For now, let’s admire the illus­tra­tions of Tea­gan White, shall we? If you shop at Anthro­polo­gie or have been to a book­store, you might have seen her work — col­or­ful, detailed images per­fect for the nature lover. From White’s website:

Her work encom­pass­es intri­cate draw­ings of flo­ra and fau­na, play­ful water­col­ors of anthro­po­mor­phic crit­ters, illus­trat­ed typog­ra­phy, and every­thing in between. Nature’s sub­tleties and rec­i­p­ro­cal rela­tion­ships between liv­ing things inspire her most, and her work typ­i­cal­ly incor­po­rates nos­tal­gic col­ors, dec­o­ra­tive arrange­ments of organ­ic forms, and metic­u­lous detail.

Get lost in all of the beau­ti­ful bird plumage! All images via her web­site.

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Part of White’s port­fo­lio includes chil­dren’s book work and typog­ra­phy. Here are a few more pieces!

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