
Gorgeous Sketchbook Paintings Invite You to Explore Lush Lands Inspired by Studio Ghibli

Sketchbook painting by Tara Jane

Artist Tara Jane invites you to take a jour­ney through her sketch­book paint­ings. Inspired by gar­dens, forests, and the work of Stu­dio Ghi­b­li, her small gouache works show­case lush lands that will make you want to lace up your shoes and go outside.

Each paint­ed envi­ron­ment is con­fined to a sin­gle page in her sketch­book. When shar­ing the spreads on social media, Tara Jane asks whether you’d go “left or right”—essentially, which place would you vis­it? That’s a tough deci­sion. I pick both.

Tara Jane sells her work as orig­i­nal paint­ings through her online shop. To see more of her sketch­book work, make sure you fol­low her on her pop­u­lar Insta­gram.

Sketchbook art by Tara Jane

Nature painting by Tara Jane

Nature painting by Tara Jane

Sketchbook art by Tara Jane

Sketchbook art by Tara Jane

Sketchbook painting by Tara Jane

Sketchbook painting by Tara Jane

Sketchbook painting by Tara Jane

Sketchbook painting by Tara Jane

Sketchbook painting by Tara Jane

Sketchbook painting by Tara Jane

Sketchbook painting by Tara Jane

Sketchbook painting by Tara Jane

Nature painting by Tara Jane

Nature painting by Tara Jane