
Fashion, Food, and Felines Take Center Stage in These Charming Embroideries

Embroidered Cats

Embroi­dered cats wear­ing cos­tumes and car­ry­ing giant pieces of fish? Yes, please! This is the focus of Suimin, an embroi­dery artist from Japan. Sim­ple in con­cept, these por­traits are delight­ful as hap­py kit­ties enjoy food—not by eat­ing it, but by treat­ing it like a fash­ion accessory.

The tech­niques used include applique; there is a tighter-weave fab­ric atop the more open-weave base fab­ric that com­pris­es the cats’ bod­ies and allows for the facial fea­tures and food to take cen­ter stage.

Make sure you fol­low Siu­min on Insta­gram for more stitched kitties.

Embroidered Cats

Embroidery of a Cat Carrying a Sushi

Cat Carrying a Fish

Cat Carrying a Fish

Embroidery of a Cat Carrying a Sushi

Embroidery of a Cat Carrying a Sushi

Embroidery of a Cat Carrying Ice Cream

Embroidered Cats

Embroidered Cats

Embroidery of a Cat Carrying a Sushi