
Adorable Animal Planters Will Be Best Buds with Your Flower Buds

Studio Giverny animal planters

Yoshiko Koza­wa of Stu­dio Giverny cre­ates lov­able ani­mal planters that’ll be your (flower) buds’ best bud. Whales, giraffes, and alpaca all car­ry the weight of these plants on their back. But don’t worry—they’re hap­py to do it—and in turn, bright­en your home.

Yoshiko first crafts her pieces from porce­lain and then coats them in a shi­no glaze com­bi­na­tion. Some, like the alpaca, include a fun pom­pom tail and tas­sel ear­rings. See her entire selec­tion on Etsy. (h/t: So Super Awe­some)

Studio Giverny animal planters

Studio Giverny animal planters

Studio Giverny animal planters

Studio Giverny animal planters

Studio Giverny animal planters

I also wrote about the whale planters on My Mod­ern Met Selects—a site that cel­e­brates cre­ative goods around the world!

Studio Giverny animal planters