Embroidery / Embroidery Patterns / My Studio

Stitch Kitties on Your Favorite Shirt With My New Embroidery Pattern [My Monthly Studio Check-In]

Staffordshire dog and plant

A peek into my stu­dio. I love Stafford­shire dogs!

I’ve learned I need out­side account­abil­i­ty to get any­thing done. (Thank you, Four Ten­den­cies quiz.) Shar­ing my stu­dio work once a month here (last year) helped me stay hon­est. So, I’m try­ing it again!

Stitch ‘Calico Companions’ on Your Shirt With My New PDF Pattern!

Hand embroidery pattern for embroidered shirt

Last week, I launched the first dig­i­tal PDF pat­tern of my embroi­dered col­lars. They are based on my DIY kits, only you’ll need to gath­er all of the supplies—including the shirt, thread, etc.

The pat­tern has every­thing you need to know to suc­cess­ful­ly stitch these kit­ties on a shirt. I include illus­trat­ed stitch tuto­ri­als, step-by-step project instruc­tions as well as a col­or and stitch guide for the kit­ties themselves.

Hand embroidery pattern for embroidered shirt

Hand embroidery pattern for embroidered shirt

And, most impor­tant­ly, I have so many sizes of cats to choose from—there are eight sizes in total. This ensures that the kit­ties will fit on near­ly any shirt or jack­et you want.

A Kitty Off the Collar

Hand embroidery on a shirt

I’m always look­ing to exper­i­ment with the place­ment of ani­mals on a shirt. I’ve recent­ly designed a cou­ple of per­son­al­ized embroi­dery pat­terns of crea­tures that will sit above a pock­et, and it’s inspired me to start stitch­ing on some­thing oth­er than a col­lar. I was sort of inspired by Nyan Cat and thought of this kit­ty peek­ing out of a shirt placket.

I just start­ed the embroi­dery but I am excit­ed about it and excit­ed to see where it takes me.

That’s it for now! Inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about my stu­dio, artis­tic prac­tice, and embroi­dery artists that are inspir­ing me? Join my email club and get inspi­ra­tion in your inbox every week. Plus, you’ll get a free embroi­dery pat­tern when you sign up!