
Stacey Rozich’s Paintings Are a Pattern-Filled Cultural Mash Up

stacey_rozich8stacey_rozich5 I’ve fol­lowed the work (and admired) of Stacey Rozich for years. I think it was since she was fresh out of school, but who knows. Either way, it’s always inter­est­ing to see how one’s work evolves over time. Rozich’s work still focus­es heav­i­ly on pat­tern, masks, and draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from folk­lore, but now incor­po­rates a con­tem­po­rary cul­tur­al mash up. A lit­tle more about her work via Rozich’s website:

Since mov­ing on from a world of Japan­ese ani­ma­tion and mean pen­cil draw­ings she has cre­at­ed a vibrant­ly paint­ed folk­loric nar­ra­tive that draws inspi­ra­tion from many cul­tur­al ref­er­ences, build­ing sce­nar­ios pulled from a realm of indige­nous and con­tem­po­rary sym­bol­ism. Rozich cre­ates a para­ble for present day built on sit­u­a­tion­al vignettes that are imag­ined through the lens of famil­iar fic­tion­al archetypes.

Deeply root­ed in cul­tur­al tra­di­tion and rit­u­al, these alle­gor­i­cal accounts join ances­tral folk­lore with ele­ments of moder­ni­ty and sur­re­al­ism. Influ­ence is tak­en from trav­el, world tex­tiles, child­hood mem­o­ries and the many many hours spent watch­ing television.

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