
Señorita Lylo Has a Collection of 10 Embroidered Patterns for You to Try (for Free!)

Srta Lylo DIY embroidery collection

One of my favorite embroi­dery artists Señori­ta Lylo (aka Srta. Lylo) is known for her col­lars that come ready to par­ty. Aside from mak­ing these spe­cial acces­sories, she also cre­ates hoop art and recent­ly col­lab­o­rat­ed with the thread brand DMC. “I made a design of 10 pat­terns for them,” she tells me in an email. “All are for free!” So, if you ever want­ed to try DIY embroi­dery, now’s your chance.

The DMC col­lec­tion is inspired by imagery of “games and hob­bies for chil­dren and adults.” She con­tin­ues, “It has been a fun and nos­tal­gic trip too, div­ing through child­hood mem­o­ries, rem­i­nisc­ing col­ors, fla­vors, and scenes that inspired me to design the 10 dia­grams to embroi­der.” There are dif­fer­ent lev­els of dif­fi­cul­ties, so you can chal­lenge your­self and learn new skills as you move through the pat­terns. Best of all, you can apply them to any sur­face. Per­son­al­ly, I’m a fan of embroi­dered den­im. Sewing some of Loly’s fire­works on the back of a jack­et sounds like a lot of fun.

In addition to Srta. Lylo’s collection, you can also download other diy embroidery patterns from the likes of Thread Honey, Sew & Sanders, as well as Baobap.

Srta Lylo DIY embroidery collection

Srta Lylo DIY embroidery collection

Srta Lylo DIY embroidery collection