Embroidery Patterns

Celebrate Spring by Stitching One of These Exquisite Embroidery Patterns

Spring hand embroidery patterns to try

The world comes alive again in spring. If you’re in Seat­tle, you know that sun­shine seem­ing­ly cures every­thing after the Big Dark. This time of renew­al is a great time to try some­thing new. If you’ve always want­ed to try embroi­dery, it’s eas­i­er than you think—there are plen­ty of artists cre­at­ing down­load­able PDF pat­terns that will get you stitch­ing right away.

I’ve picked 12 fresh hand-embroi­dery pat­terns that cap­ture the essence of spring—whether it’s blooms, bram­bles, or but­ter­flies. So, try some spring crafts and get to stitch­ing! (Just click on the links in the cap­tions.) Want even more ideas? Check out more of my past pat­tern picks.