
Spend your Friday: Forty Days of Dating

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of 40 Days of Dat­ing, an exper­i­ment by Jes­si­ca Walsh (of Sage­meis­ter and Walsh) and Tim­o­thy Good­man. The premise is that they both have bad habits when it comes to dat­ing; Jes­si­ca jumps into rela­tion­ships too quick­ly and Tim­o­thy is afraid of commitment.

Going by the adage that it 40 days to break a bad habit, and so for this peri­od of time Jes­si­ca and Tim are dat­ing. They are cer­tain rules, which are out­lined here:

The Dat­ing Rules from 40 Days of Dat­ing on Vimeo.

Each day is doc­u­ment­ed with a series of ques­tions posed to both par­tic­i­pants. Their answers are hon­est and thought­ful. I was trav­el­ling the day the project was launched, and I’ve real­ly fall­en behind on read­ing the saga. So, spend your Fri­day with me play­ing catch up. Admire the type design that cor­re­sponds to each day (image via the web­site):


And, be sure to watch all of their videos, too.

40 Days of Dat­ing – All Videos from 40 Days of Dat­ing on Vimeo.