
Brittle Dried Leaves Brought Back to Life with Colorful Embroidered Bouquets

Embroidery on a leaf by Solange Nunes

Artist Solange Nunes thinks out­side the hoop by embroi­der­ing on a pre­car­i­ous material—dried leaves. Tak­ing on their brit­tle and del­i­cate sur­face, she stitch­es col­or­ful bou­quets on the brown back­grounds. The jux­ta­po­si­tion she’s cre­at­ed is excit­ing in more ways that one. Visu­al­ly, the bright hues cause the leaves to pop, but the con­cept is what makes them tru­ly allur­ing; the embroi­dery depicts liv­ing blooms on some­thing dead and acts like a memo­r­i­al for the col­or­ful life the leaf once lived.

Solange sells a selec­tion of her work on Elo7.

Solange Nunes brings brittle nature back to life with embroidery on leaves.

Embroidery on leaves by Solange Nunes

Embroidery on leaves by Solange Nunes

Hand embroidery on leaf by Solange Nunes

Hand embroidery on leaf by Solange Nunes

Hand embroidery on leaf by Solange Nunes

Hand embroidery on leaf by Solange Nunes

Hand embroidery on leaf by Solange Nunes

Hand embroidery on leaf by Solange Nunes

Hand embroidery on leaf by Solange Nunes

Hand embroidery on leaf by Solange Nunes

Hand embroidery on leaf by Solange Nunes