
Ghost-Like Figures Traverse Lush Painted Landscapes in Illustrations by Sofia Moore

Imaginary illustrations by Sofia Moore

The illus­tra­tions of Sofia Moore are no stranger to Brown Paper Bag. Call­ing her­self an “illus­tra­tor of imag­i­nary things,” Sofia paints ghost-like crea­tures who occu­py lus­cious land­scapes of col­or and dry­brush texture.

Sofia shares her sketch­book spreads, work in progress, and fin­ished pieces on Insta­gram. There, she gives insight into how she works, and it seems that intu­ition plays a role. “This stuff is just paint­ing itself!” She writes of her #folk­tale­week illus­tra­tions (the green paintings).

You can own one of Sofi­a’s imag­i­nary illus­tra­tions by vis­it­ing her Etsy shop.

Imaginary illustrations by Sofia Moore

Imaginary illustrations by Sofia Moore

Imaginary illustration by Sofia Moore

Illustration by Sofia Moore

Illustration by Sofia Moore

Illustration by Sofia Moore

Illustration by Sofia Moore

Illustration by Sofia Moore

Illustration by Sofia Moore

Illustration by Sofia Moore

Illustration by Sofia Moore

Illustration by Sofia Moore

Illustration by Sofia Moore