
Soeun Lee Immortalizes the Comforting Moments of Life Through Stained Glass

Stained glass art of the everyday by Soeun Lee

Stained glass is often thought of in reli­gious con­texts with imagery to match. But for artist Soe­un Lee, her glass­work is focused on scenes from every­day life. The col­or­ful com­po­si­tions are of inte­ri­or spaces and fea­ture slice-of-life scenes like break­fast on the stove and a good book enjoyed with a hot beverage.

Many of my pieces draw inspi­ra­tion from clas­sic Amer­i­can din­ers, which evoke a sense of famil­iar­i­ty and warmth for every­one,” Soe­un tells Colos­sal, “whether they are new­com­ers or life­long residents.”

Soe­un con­veys such warmth, in part, through a palette of yel­lows, reds, and sepia-toned browns. They feel nos­tal­gic (I swear the col­ors were in my grand­par­ents’ hous­es) and have a tinge of vin­tage vibes. The hues are calm­ing, wel­com­ing you into the qui­et moments of a day when you final­ly have a chance to breathe. This effect is height­ened as they hang on the win­dow and the sun­light shines through the glass.

Soe­un updates her web­site with new pieces for sale. Fol­low her on Insta­gram to see when that will be.

Artist Soeun Lee creates stained glass art featuring scenes from everyday life.

Stained glass art of the everyday by Soeun Lee

Stained glass art of the everyday by Soeun Lee

Stained glass art of the everyday by Soeun Lee

The hues are warm and calming, welcoming you into the quiet moments of a day when you finally have a chance to breathe.

Stained glass art of the everyday by Soeun Lee

Stained glass art of the everyday by Soeun Lee

Stained glass art of the everyday by Soeun Lee

Stained glass art of the everyday by Soeun Lee

Stained glass art of the everyday by Soeun Lee

See more of Soeun’s work on Instagram.

Stained glass art of the everyday by Soeun Lee