Illustration Education / Sponsored

Lisk Feng Unveils How to Use the Amazing Adobe Fresco App in Her Skillshare Class

How to use Adobe Fresco with Lisk Feng

When I was in col­lege, cre­at­ing dig­i­tal art­work just was­n’t my thing. I love mak­ing stuff by hand! But with the advent of tech­nolo­gies like the iPad and Apple Pen­cil, it’s now eas­i­er than ever for me to pro­duce illus­tra­tions that feel like ana­log draw­ings, but they have the ease of dig­i­tal. Adobe Fres­co is the lat­est app to be released in the realm of high-end draw­ing and paint­ing apps.

It’s incred­i­ble; Fres­co has the func­tion­al­i­ty of Pho­to­shop but in a mobile app.  If you know Pho­to­shop, you’ll quick­ly get the hang of Fres­co, but if you’re like me, you might feel over­whelmed with where to start. Luck­i­ly, Skill­share is here to help. The online learn­ing com­mu­ni­ty has part­nered with Adobe and launched sev­er­al class­es, taught by pro­fes­sion­al artists and illus­tra­tors, to help you get the most of this next-gen­er­a­tion app. You can try them now with 2 free months of Skill­share!

The Adobe Fres­co class­es on Skill­share are:

  • Learn­ing to Use Adobe Fres­co — In this class, illus­tra­tor Lisk Feng demon­strates the essen­tials of Fres­co while shar­ing her approach to creativity.
  • Illus­tra­tive Typog­ra­phy — Design­er Jen­net Liaw shares her cre­ative process from con­cept to sketch to final—all in Fresco.
  • Fan­ta­sy Illus­tra­tion — Here, illus­tra­tor Ira Mar­cks invites you into the world of imag­i­na­tive illus­tra­tion by shar­ing her sto­ry­telling essen­tials and show­ing how to sketch, ink, and cre­ate with the brush­es in Fresco.
  • Let­ter­ing with Botan­i­cals — Let illus­tra­tor Dylan Mierzwin­s­ki take you through a sim­ple yet stun­ning flo­ral piece using Fres­co. She’ll show how to use Fres­co’s brush­es in every phase, from ideat­ing to sketch­ing to refinements.
  • Play­ful, Abstract Art — Design­er Rich Arm­strong encour­ages play in his class. Learn how to use Fres­co’s tools in unex­pect­ed ways and how to com­bine fea­tures to cre­ate your own abstract art.

How to use Adobe Fresco with Lisk Feng

I had the pleasure of taking Lisk Feng’s Learning to Use Adobe Fresco class.

(Lisk and I were in the same MFA Illus­tra­tion Prac­tice pro­gram at the Mary­land Insti­tute Col­lege of Art, and so I was excit­ed to see a friend­ly face when learn­ing Fresco.)

The thing that I enjoy most about Skill­share’s online class­es is that in addi­tion to learn­ing tech­niques, you’re also get­ting insight into how an instruc­tor thinks. Lisk’s course is no dif­fer­ent; she shares her thoughts about craft­ing illus­tra­tions and empha­sizes why it’s so impor­tant that we each find our own cre­ative voice by mak­ing the work that we want to make—not what we think some­one else wants to see.

I tried all of the exercises in Lisk’s Skillshare course. At just over an hour, she shares Fresco’s amazing features and will inspire you to create illustrations in a way that’s authentic to you.

How to Use Adobe Fresco

My dream stu­dio, par­tial­ly completed—basically it involves cats and plants.

When you’re learn­ing a new pro­gram, it can be super chal­leng­ing to get your bear­ings, and even the lit­tle tasks can be con­fus­ing. How do I erase some­thing? What does that clear cir­cle at the cor­ner of the screen mean? What are all these but­tons on the side­bar? I appre­ci­ate that Lisk took the time to go over the need-to-know func­tions at a pace that I could fol­low along on my own iPad. (She also intro­duced “live brush­es” to me that are just so cool.)

The tech­niques cov­ered in the Learn­ing to Use Adobe Fres­co class pro­vid­ed me with a good base­line to use the pro­gram for oth­er work, and Lisk’s “dream stu­dio” prompt was per­fect for play­ing around with the app as I became more com­fort­able with the tools.

I encour­age you to give Adobe Fres­co and Skill­share a try, and this is the per­fect time to do it. I’ve got a deal for 2 months of Skill­share for free! Once you’ve mas­tered Fres­co, be sure to try more of their thou­sands of classes—you’ll be glad you did.

This post is spon­sored by Skill­share but words and opin­ions are my own. Thanks for sup­port­ing the brands that sup­port Brown Paper Bag!

How to use Adobe Fresco with Lisk FengHow to use Adobe Fresco with Lisk Feng

How to use Adobe Fresco with Lisk Feng

How to use Adobe Fresco with Lisk Feng

How to use Adobe Fresco with Lisk Feng