Illustration / Paper Craft

Simon Arizpe Reimagines the Way You Look at a Picture Book

THE WILD by Simon Arizpe

Paper engi­neer­ing fas­ci­nates me. I’ve tried it before, and my brain… it just does­n’t design/illustrate in three dimen­sions. Instead, I’ll just admire the work of others—like illus­tra­tor Simon Arizpe! He used paper fold­ing to cre­ate THE WILD, a “pop-up object that reveals a sto­ry as you play with it.” As you inter­act with the piece, its illus­tra­tions change and tell fan­tas­ti­cal tale.

Simon is cur­rent­ly rais­ing funds for THE WILD via Kick­starter, which will help him bring his unique form of sto­ry­telling to a wide audi­ence. Watch the video below to see the book in action!

THE WILD by Simon Arizpe

THE WILD by Simon Arizpe


THE WILD by Simon Arizpe