
Shugo Tokumaru » Katachi

Hap­py Mon­day, ya’ll! And how about those Ravens, huh?

I want­ed to extend a huge THANKS to you for your patience over this past week. I had some irri­tat­ing tech­ni­cal issues to deal with (and am still deal­ing with), but I am grate­ful for your readership.

So, how about some­thing jubi­lant for the start of the week? Chad Kouri post­ed this on his Tum­blr last week, and I fell in love. It is a music video by Shugo Toku­maru for the song Katachi.

I real­ly like the song, and the ani­ma­tion has me in awe. As some­one who has been dab­bling in stop motion ani­ma­tion late­ly,  this is an excel­lent use of it. The col­or, the rhythm and con­tents of the video are very appro­pri­ate for the feel of the music. It’s also amaz­ing how water and swim­ming is con­veyed in an envi­ron­ment that feels rather cold.