Lately & Liked

Shops I’ve Seen Lately & Liked


For this week’s Late­ly and Liked, I thought I’d high­light a few shops. They all sell home goods, sta­tion­ary, and oth­er things that bright­en our lives. Noth­ing essen­tial, I’d say, but cer­tain­ly  necessary.



Neëst com­bines inspi­ra­tion in Japan­ese design and was found­ed upon a strong Scan­di­na­vian influ­ence. Their store has a lot of sim­ple, well-designed items that use nat­ur­al mate­ri­als (you see a lot of wood). They have some great pieces for your kitchen. Check out their blog, too!

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KOROMIKO is found­ed by Tracey George, a New Zealan­der now liv­ing in Dal­las, Texas.  They start­ed with the idea to sup­port and pro­mote inde­pen­dent design­ers that pro­duce hand­made craft and design prod­ucts. They are into the idea of slow shop­ping, mak­ing thought­ful pur­chas­es with min­i­mal con­sump­tion. Each year they donate at least 1% of sales to an orga­ni­za­tion that sup­ports arts in the community.

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Fine Lit­tle Day


Truth be told, I’ve admired Fine Lit­tle Day (and the blog!) for years. I’m a lover illus­trat­ed prod­ucts, and they have plen­ty. They have a pletho­ra of inter­est­ing and var­ied prod­ucts like wall­pa­per. Fine Lit­tle Day prides them­selves on being a hap­pi­ly incon­sis­tent and sprawl­ing company.

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