Textile Art

These Tufted Cat Chairs Are Made for Humans and They’re Purrfect

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

Does the purr­fect chair exist? Maybe not, but Sel­by Hurst Ingle­field’s (Sel­by HI) tuft­ed cat furniture—made for humans–gets pret­ty close. Using the tech­nique of rug hook­ing, she crafts seat­ing that is mod­eled after kit­ties of all col­ors. The chair’s feet act as the cat’s own legs and the back of it fea­tures the crea­ture’s large eyes, whiskers, and ears.

Sel­by’s use of tuft­ing makes the chairs resem­ble a rug, and the results feel famil­iar yet total­ly unique at the same time. “Recent­ly,” her artist state­ment reads, “the domes­tic space has become even more promi­nent in Sel­by’s prac­tice due to the lock­downs. This peri­od, enforced inside, gave her time to con­sid­er at length the inter­play between objects and art and the joy­ful fan­tasies which can come from the mun­dane home. This thought around how objects can trans­form a home’s atmos­phere result­ed in her cre­at­ing her series of cat chairs.”

Fol­low Sel­by on Insta­gram to see what she’s work­ing on next. (h/t Cre­ative Boom)

Selby Hurst Inglefield’s tufted cat furniture is made for humans.

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

Using the technique of rug hooking, she crafts seating that is modeled after kitties of all colors.

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

The chair’s feet act as the cat’s own legs and the back of it features the creature’s large eyes, whiskers, and ears.

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa

Tufted Cat Chairs by Selby HIa