Illustrated products

Artisan Chocolate Bars Have Illustrated Packaging That Looks Too Good to Unwrap… Almost

Any­one who knows me knows that I love sweets. I espe­cial­ly enjoy a fine­ly craft­ed choco­late bar. And when it has great pack­ag­ing, the whole expe­ri­ence is even bet­ter. Seat­tle Choco­late has tapped into this; they recent­ly released a new selec­tion of their fall truf­fle bars with illus­trat­ed pack­ag­ing. Fea­tur­ing work by Llew Mejia, Car­olyn Gavin, and Anne M. Bent­ley, the wrap­pers show­case their col­or­ful imagery as the cen­tral focus of the piece. In doing so, it speaks to what’s behind the packaging—artisan choco­late craft­ed with care.

The illus­tra­tive wrap­pers aren’t new for Seat­tle Choco­late. In the past, they’ve com­mis­sioned oth­er cre­atives to craft com­pelling cov­ers for their var­i­ous flavors.

Illustrated packaging

Illustrated chocolate bar packaging

Illustrated chocolate bar packaging