Lately & Liked

Saturday Roundup: Tattoos I’ve Seen Lately and Liked

I recent­ly shared the work of Jes­si­ca Har­ri­son, with her tat­tooed porce­lain ladies… so how about some tat­toos on real peo­ple? I am itch­ing to get some more ink this sum­mer (shh… don’t tell my par­ents), and have real­ly been inspired by the beau­ti­ful body art that peo­ple have. So, with­out fur­ther ado, here you go. Tat­too fans, what are some of your favorite pieces? Let me know!

Josh Stephens... I've been wanting to get some work done by him for a long time!

Josh Stephens… I’ve been want­i­ng to get some work done by him for a long time!
