
Sari Cohen’s Illustrative Digital Assemblages

Sari Cohen

Recent­ly, I found the work of Sari Cohen through the blog BLDGWLF (Build­ing a Wolf). I was real­ly drawn to the lus­cious com­po­si­tions and mix­ture of tex­tures and col­ors. Sari uses this as a way to cre­ate visu­al inter­est and ten­sion in her illus­tra­tions. She dig­i­tal­ly assem­bles the pieces, using tex­tures and brush­es over and over again, like a library. It con­nects all of her work despite what the sub­ject mat­ter may be.

All images via her web­site and Tum­blr.

Sari Cohen Sari Cohen Sari Cohen Sari Cohen Sari Cohen Sari Cohen