Embroidery / Embroidery Patterns

Travel to the Mojave Desert in This Collection of Embroidery Patterns by Sarah K. Benning

Desert embroidery patterns by Sarah K. Benning

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I love the desert. (I got mar­ried there this past Octo­ber!) The weath­er, the plants, the scenery… it feels like you’re on a dif­fer­ent plan­et. Last year, Sarah K. Ben­ning took a trip to Joshua Tree Nation­al Park and was inspired by the flo­ra and fau­na she saw there. She has cre­at­ed a col­lec­tion of DIY designs called Place Pat­terns: the Mojave Desert. The series of six hand embroi­dery pat­terns fea­tures four plants that include beaver­tail cac­tus, fat boy cac­tus, hedge­hog cac­tus, and the Joshua tree. Addi­tion­al­ly, it has quail and road­run­ner birds avail­able for stitching.

You can instant­ly down­load the com­plete col­lec­tion (at a dis­count) or piece by piece through Sarah’s Etsy shop. Don’t sleep on these desert embroi­dery pat­terns; they are avail­able for a lim­it­ed time and will then be retired!

Desert embroidery patterns by Sarah K. Benning

Fat boy cactus

Desert embroidery patterns by Sarah K. Benning

Hedge­hog cactus

Desert embroidery pattern by Sarah K. Benning

Beaver­tail cactus

Desert embroidery pattern by Sarah K. Benning

Joshua tree

Desert embroidery pattern by Sarah K. Benning


Desert embroidery pattern by Sarah K. Benning


Desert embroidery patterns by Sarah K. Benning

Desert embroidery patterns by Sarah K. Benning

Desert embroidery patterns by Sarah K. Benning

Desert embroidery pattern by Sarah K. Benning

Desert embroidery patterns by Sarah K. Benning

Desert embroidery patterns by Sarah K. Benning