Artist / Drawing

Sarah Burwash


Since I’ve been on ceram­ics watch the past 6 months, my inter­est was piqued when I saw that Buy Some Damn Art was fea­tur­ing Sarah Bur­wash’s ceram­ic hands, spoons, and neck­laces. I bought the last of her White Hands, and much of her stock is already gone!




Sarah also draws and illus­trates, cre­at­ing inti­mate, qui­et draw­ings. She said she enjoys walk­ing in the woods, some­thing that you can gath­er by look­ing through her images. Nature, both its splen­dor and appetite for destruc­tion  are present in much of what Sarah creates.

In a Q&A with Buy Some Damn Art’s Kate Sin­gle­ton, Sarah says that she thinks of her ceram­ics being more of a hob­by, but she’s plan­ning on com­bin­ing 2D and 3D works that bring aspects of her draw­ings into her ceram­ic pieces. I’d per­son­al­ly like to see that!

All images via her web­site and ceram­ics Tum­blr.




