Illustration Education

Learn to Paint Beautiful Botanicals in This 35-Minute Skillshare Class

Skillshare artist class by Sara Boccaccini Meadows

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I’m always envi­ous of illus­tra­tors that keep beau­ti­ful sketch­books. (My “sketch­book” is a loose col­lec­tion of papers bound togeth­er with a sin­gle binder clip.) Sara Boc­cac­ci­ni Mead­ows has made a habit of paint­ing in hers, and the spreads go beyond your typ­i­cal doo­dle; they are small paint­ings that fea­ture lush land­scapes and obser­va­tions of the nat­ur­al world. Now, Sara is shar­ing her wis­dom with you through her new online class on Skill­share called Botan­i­cal Illus­tra­tion: Paint a Col­or­ful Gar­den with Water­col­or and Gouache.

In 35 min­utes, Sara will teach you how to paint “botan­i­cal scenes inspired by the real world.” You’ll go with her through the sketch phase to the final ver­sion, gain­ing insight into how she com­bines water­col­or and gouache to cre­ate her eye-catch­ing works.

Because this is an e‑learning course, you can start any­time. Heck, you can learn in your paja­mas! You’ll be hap­py you did. Maybe not paint­ing in your PJs, but the whole tak­ing ini­tia­tive-to-try-some­thing-new thing.

Skillshare artist class by Sara Boccaccini Meadows

Skillshare class by Sara Boccaccini Meadows

Skillshare class by Sara Boccaccini Meadows

Skillshare class by Sara Boccaccini Meadows

Skillshare class by Sara Boccaccini Meadows

Skillshare class by Sara Boccaccini Meadows

Skillshare class by Sara Boccaccini Meadows

Skillshare class by Sara Boccaccini Meadows

Skillshare class by Sara Boccaccini Meadows