
Work and Play on Full Display in Stylized Illustrations by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

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Illus­tra­tor Rosan­na Tasker cre­ates styl­ized depic­tions of life in which work and play are on full dis­play. The images, which pri­mar­i­ly fea­ture the sto­ries of women, are often fan­tas­ti­cal in nature; the fig­ures con­front giant anteaters while fly­ing a kite or whiz through the water on a ves­sel car­ry­ing a giant pool. But there are ele­ments of real­ness to her work, too. The sub­jects shop for food. They walk in the rain. They tend to a gar­den. All of this poten­tial mun­dan­i­ty, how­ev­er, is made more mag­i­cal with her dis­tinc­tive style.

To cul­ti­vate her aes­thet­ic, Rosan­na had to “unlearn every­thing she was told at school and col­lege about how she should draw.” In an inter­view with Iri­na & Sil­viu, she explains, “That stuff is impor­tant too, and I do believe in learn­ing the rules before break­ing them, but to find your own unique style you def­i­nite­ly have to return to your unin­hib­it­ed child­hood roots and redis­cov­er what comes nat­u­ral­ly to you. Every new piece of work is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to chal­lenge myself, try some­thing new, and devel­op my skills, so who knows which path my visu­al iden­ti­ty will take in the future.”

Fol­low Rosan­na on Insta­gram and shop her work as cards and prints in her Etsy shop.

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Landscape illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Surreal illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Fantastical illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Surreal illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Surreal illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Greenhouse illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Illustration of cats on a roof

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Surreal illustrations by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker

Stylized illustration by Rosanna Tasker