
Illustrations by Romane Bonsoir Are Reminders of the Little Ways to Be Kind to Yourself

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illus­tra­tor Romane Bon­soir cre­ates images that com­bine col­or­ful nature with the beau­ty that comes from feel­ing your­self. Whether it’s sur­round­ing your­self with flow­ers, wear­ing an out­fit that high­lights your curves, or just spend­ing a qui­et moment with your cat, these pieces offer a reminder to be kind to your­self. Buy your­self the flow­ers or spend time at a cafe!

Fol­low Romane on Insta­gram to see what she’s cre­at­ing next.

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane BonsoirIllustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir

Illustration by Romane Bonsoir