Brown Paper Stitch

Custom Pet Portraits on Winter Coats, Cozy Pullovers, and Patches [Brown Paper Stitch Dispatch]

Custom pet portrait patch by Brown Paper Stitch

This article is brought to you by Brown Paper Stitch, my business that makes your wardrobe pawesome by embroidering your pets on clothing.

It’s been a long time since I shared a peek into my studio—aka Brown Paper Stitch.  Four months, in fact! I have been stitch­ing this entire time and shar­ing progress/finished pieces my Insta­gram account, @brwnpaperbag_stitch. Dur­ing the end of win­ter and into spring, I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work on sev­er­al gar­ments. Some were pull-over style while oth­ers were jack­ets and shirts. This is also in addi­tion to patch­es of var­i­ous sizes, includ­ing a his-and-her patch of one pup.

I always love stitch­ing on new gar­ments. There’s nev­er the same lapel on a jack­et, and each shirt offers a new oppor­tu­ni­ty for place­ment. The pup (named Kobe) stitched on the fuzzy pullover looks right at home over the seam, don’t you think?

If you’d like a pet patch or cus­tom por­trait on a gar­ment, vis­it my Etsy shop to find out more.

This year has been busy with pet portraits. Here are some of my latest creations, on clothing…

Custom pet portrait on clothing by Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet portrait on clothing by Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet portrait on clothing by Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet portrait on clothing by Brown Paper Stitch

… and as patches! All of my patches have a stick-on back, so there’s no stitching required to adhere them to your favorite garment or bag.

Custom pet portrait patches by Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet portrait patch by Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet portrait patches by Brown Paper Stitch