
Gorgeous Gouache Imbues Sumptuous Color to Creatures of All Kinds

Gouache illustrations by Rae Ritchie

I look at a lot of cat illus­tra­tions, and I can say with­out a doubt that one of my favorite feline painters is Rae Ritchie. Her gouache illus­tra­tions fea­ture sump­tu­ous col­or and details made with brush strokes, which is per­fect for depict­ing crea­tures (par­tic­u­lar­ly their fur and feath­ers!) of all shapes and sizes. It also comes in handy with her flo­ral paint­ings; the strokes of mul­ti­ple hues mim­ic the var­ied col­or­ing you’d find in nature.

Rae is a delight to fol­low on Insta­gram, and she shares a peek of her works in progress. She sells her illustrations—as phone cas­es, prints, enam­el pins, and more—through her online shops on Society6 and Etsy. And if you’re a fan of month­ly desk­top cal­en­dars, she cre­ates a new one every month!

Goauche illustrations by Rae Ritchie

Goauche illustrations by Rae Ritchie

Illustration by Rae Ritchie

Illustration by Rae Ritchie

Illustration by Rae Ritchie

Illustration by Rae Ritchie

Illustration by Rae Ritchie

Illustration by Rae Ritchie

Illustration by Rae Ritchie

Illustration by Rae Ritchie

Illustrations by Rae Ritchie

Illustrations by Rae Ritchie

Illustrations by Rae Ritchie

Illustrations by Rae Ritchie