
Rachel Suggs



Ear­li­er this sum­mer, Lisa shared with me the work of Rachel Sug­gs. She is an illus­tra­tor still in her under­grad­u­ate years at MICA, but her port­fo­lio is much more mature than that! Luck­i­ly, she has a Tum­blr, where I can keep tabs on all the cool things she’ll even­tu­al­ly be doing.

Rachel’s illus­tra­tions have a bit of a dark side to them, often depict­ing man vs. nature. It’s with these time­less themes that we’re lead into the sto­ry, and the col­ors, tex­tures, and char­ac­ter devel­op­ment that keep us going back for more.

All images via her web­site and Tum­blr.



rachel4 rachel5

