
Hypnotic Printmaking Videos by Tatiana Svistunova Reveal the Puzzle in the Process

I like process-ori­ent­ed activ­i­ties. Projects where you take the same steps every time (or near­ly every time) and receive a sim­i­lar result. It’s very sat­is­fy­ing. Print­mak­ing is one such activ­i­ty. To get a sense of this sat­is­fac­tion, you only need to watch illus­tra­tor and print­mak­er Tatiana Svis­tuno­va’s videos fea­tur­ing mul­ti-col­or linoleum cut prints. They will soothe you.

In them, Tatiana assem­bles the pieces like a puz­zle. Her print titled Grav­i­ty is a great exam­ple. In it, a white cat sits next to an ornate vase. She begins by break­ing apart the linoleum and indi­vid­u­al­ly ink­ing each piece. She then puts them back togeth­er and care­ful­ly rolls her paper over it before press­ing the com­po­si­tion with a baren.

Watch Tatiana’s videos below and pre­pare to be mes­mer­ized. To see more of her work, vis­it her Insta­gram. To pur­chase her work, vis­it her Etsy shop.