BPB Projects / Embroidery

Win a Very Special Embroidery by Sarah K. Benning When You Preorder Our New Book! (Giveaway)

Embroidered Book, an embroidery book about Sarah K. Benning

There is real stitch­ing on this cover!

You might remem­ber that last year, I was work­ing on a book about embroi­dery artist Sarah K. Ben­ning. Well, the writ­ing is done, every­thing is edit­ed, and Embroi­dered Life is now a real book com­ing to you this September.

In celebration of its release, Sarah and I are partnering with our publisher, Chronicle Books, on a very special preorder giveaway.

Every per­son who pre­orders a copy (or two, or three!) and fills out this form will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly entered to win an exclu­sive embroi­dered piece by Sarah K. Ben­ning. She’s shar­ing behind the scenes peeks of the cre­ation process of this exclu­sive art­work on her Insta­gram, and you’ll see more as we get clos­er to the book’s on-sale date. One lucky win­ner will be announced on Sep­tem­ber 2nd, and they’ll be able to call the embroi­dered piece their own!

You can pre­order Embroi­dered Life at any of these retailers:

If you have already pre­ordered a copy, all you need to do is enter your receipt num­ber from your pre­vi­ous pur­chase in the form. If you haven’t already, there are links to pre­order includ­ed in the form as well.

Good luck and thank you so much for your support!

Embroidered Book, an embroidery book about Sarah K. Benning